Strengthening frontline changemakers.

Our mission is to strengthen frontline changemakers in communities through productive earned revenue models and efficient charitable impact investing; all anchored in deep relationships.

Since 2016, this organization has been providing fiscal sponsorship to charitable organizations and social enterprises, primarily in Southeast Michigan. Founded and funded by impact organization, Gingras Global, the organization launched under the name G1 Impact and began to solve some of the many support gaps for good governance and fiscal support specific to hybrid companies driving financial stability and impact. In 2023 G1 Impact rebranded and chose a new name, AnchoRRa. This change signified a pivotal moment in our evolution, aligning our identity more closely with our core values and mission as an organization. The new name captures the essence of anchored support and offers an accurate description of our unwavering commitment to fostering genuine relationships and propelling positive change within your work, mission, and community.

Today, AnchoRRa is driving stability for frontline changemakers and now offers services nationally with physical locations in Detroit, Michigan and Fort Myers, Florida. AnchoRRa enjoys partnerships around the country so that changemakers are anchored, focused, and positioned for best possible outcomes in their missions. At AnchoRRa, we focus on Earned Revenue Models and Charitable Investing. For non-profits selling commercial services to the public, we assist them with Earned Revenue Models. And for investors seeking to make a meaningful impact, we facilitate equity and loan investments into mission-driven companies. We wrap our work with comprehensive back-office support, governed procedures, and game-changing impact reporting.

The combined force of our Donor Advised Funds and Earned Revenue Modeling initiatives is transforming communities in profound ways. Whether it’s supporting local initiatives, empowering nonprofits to scale their impact, or fostering economic growth, AnchoRRa is proud to be at the forefront of positive change. Together we will continue to make a profound impact and inspire authentic connections that shape a brighter future for communities worldwide. We look forward to connecting with you.

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